vh News Room

vh News Room

Monday, August 31, 2015

Gregory Murrey Falls 50 Feet & Dies At Turner Field

Gregory Murrey fell to his death during a Yankees v.s. Braves game at Turner Field. During the 7th inning just as Alex Rodriguez was crossing home plate Murrey fell 50 feet to the concrete first floor on his head. The police suspect no foul play.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Another Officer Shot To Death

In Texas, Deputy Darren Goforth of the Harris County Sheriff's Office was shot and killed on Friday at a gas station. He stopped to get gas after responding to an incident and while he was pumping his gas he was shot several times. When he fell to the floor the killer walked up on him and shot him a few more times then drove off in a red Ford Ranger. The suspect is still at large.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Reporter & Cameraman Killed On Live T.V.

On Wednesday during a live television interview on channel 7 news in Virginia, reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were shot to death by Vester Lee Flanagan. Flanagan used to work as a reporter for the station but was fired 2 years ago because he was an angry man and confrontational. After the shooting Flanagan drove off in his car and before being captured he shot and killed himself. A premeditated murder to-do list was found in his car.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Triple Stabbing, Officer Shot to Death

On Wednesday in Sunset, Louisiana Henry Nelson a police officer was shot to death with his own gun after responding to a triple stabbing. The man Harrison Lee Riley stabbed his wife Courtney Riley and two sisters Shameka Johnson and Surlay Johnson during a domestic dispute. After fatally shooting officer Nelson, Riley drove off and crashed into a convenience store. He barricaded himself into a office but when the police shot tear gas at the door and broke in he gave up. Riley is in police custody and one of the sisters Shameka Johnson died due to her stab wounds. The mayor of Grand Coteau, Louisianna Shanterral Johnson is the victims sister, and officer Nelson was actually Riley's cousin.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Police Officer Attacked At Courthouse

Curtis Smith walked into a courthouse in Pennsylvania, pulled out a knife and cut a police officer before being shot by another. In march Smith jumped a fence at the White House, people say he is crazy. The officer suffered wounds to his hand and arm and will be o.k. Smith died in the hospital.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cop Killed In The Line Of Duty

In Baton Rouge Louisiana state trooper Steven Vincent stopped to help Kevin Daigle, seemingly impaired in his truck stuck in a ditch on the side of the road. When he approached the vehicle Daigle opened the door and shot Vincent with a sawed off shotgun. Daigle tried to run away but other motorists tackled Daigle to the ground, took his shotgun and even handcuffed him with Vincent's handcuffs. Vincent died on Monday.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Good News | Mei Xiang Gave Birth To Two Healthy Cubs!

Good News. When Mei Xiang's water broke at 4:32 pm on Saturday everyone was excited about her going into labor. She gave birth to not one but two healthy cubs but the sex of the cubs is not yet known. Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated by 2 panda's back in April, dna tests will determine the father. Mei Xiang already had 2 cubs one 10 and one 2 years old.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

4 Men Tackle Terrorist On Train

3 Americans and a Frenchman were on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris when a man walks out of the bathroom with a AK. The 4 men immediately tackled the gunman to the floor and tried to subdue him in a struggle. During the struggle several shots were fired hitting a passenger and the gunman cut one of the Americans several times with his box cutter. The 4 men managed to take the rifle and tie him up. Later they found that the gunman also had a pistol, a 9mm charger, and nine chargers. Officials say the gunman had ties to ISIS. The passenger who got shot and the american who got cut will be o.k.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Black Man Killed By Police In St. Louis Riots Erupt

Protesters took to the streets on Wednesday in St. Louis rioting, setting cars on fire, setting homes on fire, and looting. All this after police officers shot and killed an 18 year old armed black man. Protesters started throwing bricks and bottles at the police in riot gear. The police responded by shooting off tear gas. It all started when the police were carrying out a search warrant, two suspects ran out of the home and the police chased them. Allegedly one suspect Mansur Ball-Bey turned and pointed a gun at them and the police opened fire killing him. An autopsy report proves that Mansur was shot in the back.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Jared Fogle Goes To Jail For Sex Crimes With Minors

Subway spokesman Jared Fogle pleaded guilty to sex crimes with minors and distribution and receipt of child pornography on Wednesday. Fogle paid prostitutes to find him minors to have sex with, some were as young as 14. Fogle will pay 1.4 million in restitution and could face up to 12 years in jail.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Torture & The Killing Of Kids In Bangladesh

Kids who are suspected of stealing are being tortured and killed in Bangladesh. One human rights group claims that about 60 kids have been lynched in the past 6 months. People took to the streets to protest after the 28 minute video of Samiul Alam Rajon being tortured and lynched was posted on social media. 13 people were charged for this killing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Participation Trophies, Good Idea Or Not?

Professional football player James Harrison took his two kids participation trophies away from them and sent them back "until they earn a real trophy". This action sparked up a huge discussion about participation trophy's on social media. Majority of parents are saying that getting rewarded for loosing will make their kids believe that they are always entitled to something, and makes them believe that they are better than they actually are. Parents believe that if they are being rewarded for failing all their life by the time they make it to college they will automatically expect to be successful at everything and won't know how to take it if they fail.

Monday, August 17, 2015

"The Blade Runner" Does 10 Months For Homicide

In South Africa Oscar Pistorious the Paralympic "Blade Runner" was released from prison on house arrest after serving 10 months of a 5 year sentence for killing his girlfriend. They called his conviction cupable homicide. Reeva Steenkamp was in the bathroom when Pistorious fired 4 shots through the door killing her. The prosecution says that the couple got into an argument, she ran off to hide in the bathroom & he killed her. Pistorious' defense was that he thought he heard an intruder in their home and shot through the bathroom door thinking it was a burglar.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sodomized In Public By The Police

A black woman in Texas was stripped naked by the police in the middle of a parking lot. A male and female officer suspected Charnesia Corley of having weed. After the officers found nothing she was told to pull down her pants, Corley responded by saying she didn't have on any underwear but the police said "it didn't matter". Corley was handcuffed , so the female officer pulled down her pants and told her to bend over. Corley bent over and she was penetrated, after resisting, another female officer was called to complete the search. Corley says she felt like she was being raped.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Breaking News | Mother Gets Crushed To Death But Saves Her Son

Breaking News. This graphic video shows a mother saving her son as she is crushed to death by a elevator. Employees knew that the platform was unstable for only 5 minutes but did not shut it down. You can see the employees in the video watch the whole accident, they help to save the boy, but couldn't save the mom. It took 4 hours to find the mother as maintenance crews dismantled the elevator.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Let's Go To Syria To Join ISIS For Our Honeymoon

A man and a woman, two Mississippi State graduates recently got married and planned a trip to Syria to join Isis for their honeymoon. The man Muhammad Dakhlalla and the woman Jaelyn Young were posting their support for ISIS on social media sites that stood out on the FBI's radar. Jaelyn posted on one site "I am skilled in math and chemistry and worked at an analytical lab here at my college campus. My partner is very good with like computer science/media. We learn very fast and would love to help". They were intercepted at the airport and arrested on terrorism charges.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Violence Returns To Ferguson During Anniversary

Violence and chaos erupts in Ferguson during the 1 year anniversary of Michael Brown's death. Protesters hit the streets when shots rang out Sunday night. The alleged shooter Tyrone Harris was running from the gunfire when the police shot him and left him laying on the ground. Tyrone's aunt says that he was not the shooter and was not armed. A standoff between protesters and the police become violent as protesters threw rocks, bricks, and frozen water bottles at the police. The police retaliated by using tear gas and smoke bombs. There were 4 shooting on Saturday night, and 23 protesters were arrested.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Baby Found Halfway Flushed Down Toilet

In Beijing a newborn baby girl was found halfway flushed down a back alley public toilet. A man says he saw a women leaving the bathroom and moments later he hear's a baby crying when he called the police. The rescue was caught on video but the mother was already gone. More than 100,000 babies are abandoned in China mostly because the child is disabled or has a medical condition the parent or parents can't afford. China has built about 5,000 baby hatches for people to give away their child, but the baby hatches become overwhelmed and have to turn people away.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Deadly Family Adventure

The White Sands National Monument in New Mexico can top 100 degrees with terrible humidity. It is a destination spot where tourists flock to for adventure and beautiful scenery. The White Sands is a hike trial in the desert about 4 miles in a circle under the blazing sun. When a family of 3, a mother, father, and their son decided to take the hike the mother became exhausted and decided to turn back. On her way back she passed out and died. The father and son decided to kept going not knowing of her death. The father then got exhausted, passed out and died as well. The boy was the only survivor.

8 People Found Dead Inside a Houston Home

The police received a call for a welfare check at a Houston home, when they arrived at the scene no one answered the door. It was determined that a man living in the house had a warrant for aggravated assault on a family member and had a history of violence. The police then surrounded the house looking into the window's and saw a little boy laying on the floor. The police then decided to force entry and when they did the black man started shooting at the police. After a hostage negotiator was able to talk the man out of the house the police found 8 people, 5 children and 3 adults dead inside. A homicide investigation is underway.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Judge Says Marry Her Or Go To Jail

Elizabeth Jaynes and Josten Bundy were together for one year. One day when the two of them were out, Elizabeth's ex-boyfriend approached them and said some disrespectful things to her in a rant. Josten and her ex got into a fight and Josten caught a charge of misdemeanor assault. When Josten went to court Judge Roberts sentenced him to 2 years probation but said "to be on my probation you have to marry her", it was either that or face 15 days in jail. Josten was afraid of loosing his job being locked up for two weeks so they got married. No one really made it to the wedding because it was on such short notice and Elizabeth's dad was furious. He called some lawyers to fight the ruling but the lawyers thought he was joking. Josten wonders what would have happened if had said to the judge "we'd like to get married on our own terms". Judge Roberts is on "vacation".

Bobbi Kristina Brown Killed By Boyfriend?

Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon is being accused of drugging and drowning Bobbi to death. The only daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. The lawsuit states that Nick Gordon had their house bugged, and when he came home one night he listened to the recordings he became enraged. He accused her of cheating and they got into a big fight. The lawsuit says Gordon drugged her at some point and when she passed out he drowned her in the bath tub.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Donald Trump Stole The Show?

Donald Trump stole the show last night at the Republican Debate but did he win the debate?  Trump had many opportunities to gain new voters but instead he did what everyone pretty much expected him to do. Trump said that the questions he was asked were unfair. But is there a such thing as an unfair question for the leader of the free world? His track record, actions and comments are what his questions were based on. Megyn Kelly was called a bimbo on twitter and Trump re-tweeted it, completely missing his chance to be Presidential.  Rubio, Rand Paul, and Megyn Kelly kind of bombed while John Kasich won a lot of new fans with his compassionate reply's.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

11 Year Old Boy Kills 3 Year Old

An 11 year old boy faces manslaughter charges in Detroit after shooting and killing Elijah Walker a 3 year old boy in the face. The 11 year old went to his father house, took his fathers gun, threw it out of the window then went outside to retrieve the gun, he was then picked up by someone in a SUV when the Elijah got in the car. Moments later a shot rang out and a 3 year old boy was dead. The 11 year old boy is being held in a juvenile detention center with a $5,000 bond.

Suspect In Police Officers Death Captured

A man going by the name of Grover Cannon is in police custody after being suspected of killing police officer Thomas LaValley in Shreveport. The police were already looking for Cannon in connection with the killing of 45 year old Darren Williams also in Shreveport on July 15th. LaValley was responding to a 911 call of an armed prowler at someones home. When LaValley approached Cannon LaValley was shot several times. He was pronounced dead in the hospital.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bad Dispatcher (Failed 911 Call)

Esperanza Quintero's desperate call for help to 911 resulted in her friends death after she was hug up on by the dispatcher. 17 year old Jaydon Chavez - Silver was the victim of a drive by shooting. Esperanza arrived at the scene and called 911, words were spoken and ultimately Esperanza said "he's barely breathing how many times do I have to F*&^#!# tell you". The dispatcher (Sanchez) responded by saying "OK you know what ma'am? you could deal with yourself. I'm not to deal with this. o.k". Esperanza responds; "No he dying..." and then Sanchez hangs up on her. Sanchez has resigned and Esperanza wonders what would have happened if she would have gotton more help from him.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Is He a Pedophile Or Naw?

19 year old Zach Anderson went on a dating website called Hot Or Not to meet a girl. When he connected with someone she told Zach she was 17, they then agreed to meet. When they met they had consensual sex, the problem is that she was only 14. Now Zach is on the sex offender list for 25 years in his state. He can't go to the mall, to the park, or even to his own home because his little brother is 15 years old. The girls mother in front of judge Dennis Wiley said that she didn't want him on the sex offenders list because "he's really not", the 14 year old girl wrote a letter to Zach's family stating "I'm sorry I didn't tell yo my real age, I want to be in trouble not you". Judge Wiley responded by ultimately saying this was "totally inappropriate behavior" and sentenced him. Does he deserve it? He's on the same list of child molesters and pedophiles. Experts say the problem with the sex offender registry is "one size fits all". High schoolers age ranges from around 14 to 17, if we were to really enforce this law you would have to lock up about half of our teenagers in high school.

Officer Places 3rd Grader In Handcuffs

A shocking video shows deputy Kevin Sumner handcuffing a mentally challenged 8 year old boy in school as he's crying and yells out "ow that hurts". The boy who suffers from ADHD was cuffed at the biceps because his wrists are too skinny. The boy refused directions from teachers and the principal and in the video you can hear the officer saying "you don't get to swing at me". The deputy also allegedly handcuffed a 9 year old girl twice who suffers from a similar disability.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Time For Clean Energy

Today Barack Obama announced that after a two year fight against global power change the EPA is moving to end dumping carbon pollution from power plants. The stands for each state will be different in how they go about reducing emissions because each state will look to generate more power in different ways. Whether it be from renewables, natural gas, nuclear, coal....States have been given a time table to do so and Obama stated that states will be rewarded for getting the job done sooner rather than later. Cutting pollution and producing clean energy will also create more jobs.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Facebook Regrets

Donald Trump's policy advisor Sam Nunberg was fired because of racists posts on his Facebook page. Nunberg called Al Sharpton's daughter a "N#!*#" and called President Barack Obama a "Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser". ( Donald Trump called Mexicans rapist's ).

Who Killed Sean Bolton?

An active manhunt is underway for who shot and killed Sean Bolton, a Memphis police officer. Someone used Bolton's police radio to report the crime. Bolton was rushed to the hospital after being shot multiple times during a routine traffic stop, he died in the hospital.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bin Laden's Family Killed

In  England the British authorities have reported that three members of Osama Bin Laden's family were killed in a plane crash. The family members include the mother, sister and brother in law. In 2011  Bin Laden; one of the world's most known terrorists was killed in a U.S. mission.