vh News Room

vh News Room

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Man Saves Lives But Dies A Hero Crushed By Elevator

Just before midnight on new years eve an elevator in a New York apartment complex carrying 9 people stalled between the 2nd and 3rd floor. Just before the elevator gave way 25 year old Stephen Hewett Brown wished his mother in law a happy new years and pushed her out of the elevator onto the third floor. The elevator fell on Brown crushing him at the hip with half of his body hanging outside of the elevator. His body was holding the weight of the elevator and 8 other passengers. Witnesses say although the police dept. and the fire dept. were literally right across the street from the apt. building they didn't arrive until 30 minutes later. The police and fire dept. say they were there in about 5 minutes. Witnesses are calling Stephen Brown a hero.

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