vh News Room

vh News Room

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Obama's Executive Decision

Over a year ago Prisident Barak Obama made an executive decision to allow millions of illegal immigrants that have been living in the U.S. for more than 5 years the right to apply for work permits and other federal benefits. The executive decision was blocked by the federal courts but is now being taken up by the supreme court. We don't expect a decision until around June but no matter what the decision is, it will take place before Potus leaves office. Republicans say that Potus is in Violation of the constitution.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Powerball Jackpot

Three people won the $1.5 billion lottery, the winning numbers were 08, 27, 34, 04, and 19 and the winning powerball number was 10. After taxes and splitting the money 3 ways you have $187,240,000, obviously that's a lot of money. In the past we have seen many multi-millionaires go broke over the years, here's a little insight on how that money can work for you. If you were to take that money and put it into a 30 year government bond at 2.85% you would be making $5.3 million dollars a year for the rest of your life. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Gang Rape In Brooklyn Park

Sunday night at a Brooklyn park a father and his 18 year old daughter sat in the park and talked. 5 teenage boys walked up on them, 1 teen pulled out a gun, put it in the fathers face and told him to leave. When he left the 5 teens raped his daughter. Her father had no cell phone so he ran to a nearby store to call the police but by the time they came back to the scene the boys were gone. Later on 2 of the boys turned themselves in and 2 were apprehended, 1 teen is still at large. The four boys are 14, 15, 15, and 17 years old. The teenage girl was treated and released at a nearby hospital for cuts on her neck, wrists, and knees.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Obama On Gun Control

Barak Obama teared up today as he addressed the media on gun control measures. After every mass shooting Obama has insisted that gun laws needed to be changed. Today he proposed that gun sellers must conduct background checks to buyers. He says he knows this won't stop every act of violence but maybe it can stop one act of violence. He urges congress and republicans to get on board but is fearful they never will.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Man Saves Lives But Dies A Hero Crushed By Elevator

Just before midnight on new years eve an elevator in a New York apartment complex carrying 9 people stalled between the 2nd and 3rd floor. Just before the elevator gave way 25 year old Stephen Hewett Brown wished his mother in law a happy new years and pushed her out of the elevator onto the third floor. The elevator fell on Brown crushing him at the hip with half of his body hanging outside of the elevator. His body was holding the weight of the elevator and 8 other passengers. Witnesses say although the police dept. and the fire dept. were literally right across the street from the apt. building they didn't arrive until 30 minutes later. The police and fire dept. say they were there in about 5 minutes. Witnesses are calling Stephen Brown a hero.