vh News Room

vh News Room

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Same Sex Marriage Denied In Texas

Some county clerks in Texas have refused marriage licenses for some same sex couples saying that they have the right to do so under the first amendment. Attorney General Len Paxton says "the Supreme Court manufactured a law that simply does not exist, and that county clerks can refuse marriage licenses to same sex couples on the grounds of religious freedom. Clerks who refuse licenses can face litigation or a fine but they have lawyers on stand by for that".

Monday, June 29, 2015

Another Prison Escape

In North Carolina Kristopher McNeil who was serving 14 years in jail for second degree murder escaped prison with the help of correctional officer Kendra Lynette. The two were in a sexual relationship, Kendra is now faced with the charges of harboring a fugitive & aiding & abetting. Her bond is set at $500,000, McNeil is also back in custody.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

They Were Hiding Out In The Sewers

They were hiding out in the sewers. Police searched for 3 weeks for the two escaped convicts until they found cop killer Richard W. Matt tired, dirty, hungry, sick, and drunk, he was killed on Friday by police. David P. Sweat is still on the run.


The vaping industry in the U.S. is the largest in the world. It is a very popular trend among our youth, but the effects our your health is unknown. It is unregulated and the growing habit is cause for concern in the U.S.

Supreme Court Ruling On Obama Care

The Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts ruled on a 6-3 decision in favor of Obama Care which will protect people who receive federal subsidies. 6.4 million Americans receive tax credits that make Obama Care affordable. As more and more Americans sign up for Obama Care, it's going to make it very difficult for future Presidents or the republican office to kill this law.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Same Sex Marriage Nationwide

A 5-4 vote by The Supreme Court makes same -sex marriage legal across the Nation.

World Wide Terrorism | A Bloody Friday In Kuwait

While a Shiite group worships during Friday prayers in Kuwait a man named Hassan Al-Haddad says he saw a man stand in the back of the mosque who detonated a bomb that killed 25 people and left 202 wounded. A group calling themselves the Najd Province is taking credit for this bombing as well as two other bombings at mosques in Saudi Arabia that killed 26 people in May. Bombings that take place while people are praying or in their church is not just taking place in the U.S. it is worldwide terrorism.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Confederate Flag

The South Carolina House Of Representatives decided on Tuesday to debate the fate of the controversial confederate flag. This discussion has come abroad due to the Charleston Church Massacre at the hands of one Dylann Storm who is a white supremacist with ties to the history of the flag. As the discussion on what to do with the flag continues, the people took to the streets of S.C. chanting "take it down", supporters of the flag were present as well.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Climate Change

The EPA releases a climate change report and the Pope is all over it calling it a moral responsibility to make the world a safer and healthier place to live for us and our children. Jeb Bush considers this economic policy and feels no need to take advice, or entertain any views from the Pope. The public seeks to save our resources, reduce wildfires that are killing our crops, do something about water droughts across the U.S. Climate change directly correlates with the sea level. As temperatures rise to higher averages than usual, all that ice in the Antarctica ( which is 5.4 million square miles, basically doubled the size of Australia ) is melting. If all that ice melts into our oceans, sea levels will rise and our land will be under water.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dylann Storm's Sick Reasoning

Dylann Storm wrote on an online ma nifesto that was discovered on Saturday. It states...."I have no choice, I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I choose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to whites in the country. We have no skin heads no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me," He wears the number 88 in several of his online photos. He has 88 friends on FB, the number 88 means hail hitler, he is a white supremacist.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Charleston Church Massacre

A white man walked into a Charleston church on Wednesday, sat down for about an hour before open firing on the congregation killing 9 people including Pastor Pinckney. He then told one woman that he was letting her live so she can tell everyone what happened. The church is predominately black and the kid looks to be around 21 years of age. The kid referred to the congregation as "you people" which is why the police is calling this a hate crime. The kid is now in police custody as of about an hour ago.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Robbing A Bank For Research?

Filmmaker and MIT lecturer Joe Gibbons robbed a bank in Manhattan on New Years Eve. He walked into the bank and gave the teller a note stating he was robbing the place. He was filming the whole thing with a small camera. This week he pleaded guilty to the robbery and said that it was all for a film that he was making and that he was doing research.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Does It Matter If Your Black Or White?

Rachel Dolezal lied about her race on an application to become a NAACP leader. She deceived everyone saying she was black, she even claimed an elderly black man to be her father even though he was not. Her parents came out and told the world on CNN that she is white (she is swiss, german, czec, and some native american). Rachel has been portraying herself as black for 10 years. This is the picture of her now and a pic of her as a kid.

Punishment To Baby Leads To Death

When Raven Campbell's (19, of Tennessee) 2 year old son was acting up he was punished by his mother. His punishment? being placed under a mattress for 30 minutes. After his time out Raven removed the mattress and saw her son dead. Raven's punishment for aggravated child abuse, aggravated child neglect, and aggravated child endangerment, jail time as she awaits her court date with no parole.

Eating Disorders In The U.K.

In the U.K. people with eating disorders are at an all time high. The growing amount of patients is forcing the NHS (a treatment facility) to priortize what patients get help and which ones are put on the back burner for up to 3 years before receiving treatment. Patients with anorexia are treated well before patients with bulimia, and it's ironic that patients are being told that your condition must get worse beofore we can help you. Some patients feel they have no choice but to move to the U.S. or South Africa for treatment.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Taking It Out On The Police

On Saturday morning James Boulware set pipe bombs outside a Dallas police station and open fired on the building from his parked van. Boulware says he blames the police for loosing custody of his son calling him a terrorist. Miraculously no officers were hit or injured. As for Boulware, he was shot dead by a police sniper while in his van.

Sexual Abuse On Campus

According to The Post-Kaiser Poll 25 percent of women in college and 7 percent of men in college are either sexually assaulted or overcame attempted sexual assault during their time in college. Some say they were forced to have sex through threats on their life and some say they may have been violated after falling victim to date rape drugs.

U.S. May Help Europe

For the first time since the cold war the U.S. proposes to give Eastern Europe, battle tanks, infantry vehicles, and many other weapons for about 5,000 U.S. troops in European countries. The U.S. is trying to help Eastern Europe from possible attacks by Russia.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Killer Day At The Mall

A security guard who was fired on Friday at Coral Ridge Mall in Iowa came back to the mall that night around 7:30 with a gun. He walked to the food court and let off 3 shots killing what looked to be a teenage girl. They are waiting for the body to be I.D.'d before her name can be released. The suspect was arrested on the highway shortly after without incident.

Breaking News | Finally Arrested | Says It Was Love

Breaking News. Fifty one year old Joyce Mitchel (a security guard at an New York prison) allegedly gave David Sweat & Richard Matt (the two escapees from a New York prison) power tools to break out of prison. But when she was arrested on Friday District Attorney Andrew Wylie said she gave them contraband to break out but it was not power tools, he has not yet elaborated on what she actually gave them. She was also supposed to be their get away driver but never followed through with that. She says she helped them escape because she fell in love with one of the prisoners. Her bail is set at $100,00.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Little Girls Dies Because Someone Wasn't Doing Their Job

Last year 3 year old Wynter Larkin of Yeadon Pennsylvania was attending a fund raiser with her mother when a 1,000 pound security gate at Rita's Water Ice stand fell on Larkin crushing her and killing her. Investigators are just now finding that the gate was installed incorrectly and building inspectors not overlooked the issue but actually covered up the mistake in reports after the incident.

17 Year Old Pleads Guilty To ISIS Involvement

17 year old Ali Shukri Amin faces 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to being a part of the Islamic State and helping ISIS recruit. He helped a young girl who was radicalized by ISIS go to Syria using bit coin ( a currency commonly used by ISIS). His Twitter account is dedicated to the Islamic Group and has over 4,000 followers.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

She Stabbed Her Kids To Death | She Says "I Released Them"

LeRoya Moore 36, of East Haven Connecticut was charged with murdering two of her children ages 6 & 7 on Wednesday. She painted their nails, sat them down, recited the lords prayer, told them they were going to heaven then stabbed them to death. She then tried to kill herself slitting her wrist but was unsuccessful.

Dallas King Rape Case

Dallas King, a 17 year old Capital High School Student in West Virginia faces 2nd degree sexual assault charges after his guilty plea for first degree sexual abuse (rape) was withdrew on Wednesday. The judge felt it mandatory to withdraw his plea because King didn't know that in taking a plea he would have register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. The girl he is accused of raping is 15 and goes to his school.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Criminals Beware

Dietta Gueye is packing heat. When 5 men broke into her home in Detroit, Dietta welcomed them with a few shots from her licensed 9mm, the burglars shot back hitting Dietta in her thigh, but after a visit to the hospital she says she's o.k.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Montana Man Kills His Family Then His Self

In Montana a 59 year old man living in a cabin upon a mountain top shot and killed his wife. He then shot and killed his 1 year old baby laying in the crib. He then shot and killed his other two children who were 4 & 6 years old. He then called his friend and told him he killed his family and was going to burn the place down. He arranged his family side by side, set the place on fire then killed himself.

Unarmed Woman Shot And Killed

Christie C. Cathers, 45 was shot and killed in Morgantown, West Virginia after a police car chase. She was unarmed but the sheriff Al Kisner said on Monday that her vehicle became a deadly weapon which enables officers to use deadly force.

Higher Minimum Wage = Higher Rent In Seattle

Last year Seattle raised their minimum wage to $15 an hour. Sounds great right? Well it did until they jacked the cost of living up with the highest priced homes and highest rents anywhere in America.

Uncompensated Healthcare

Patients who could not afford medical treatment and who are on Medicaid and Medicare cost the state of Wyoming about $100 million in uncompensated care in 2013 and at least $116 million in 2012.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Today the Newseum in Washington D.C. paid their respect to 14 Journalists who died while reporting the news in 2014. More than 80 Journalists died last year in the field covering dangerous stories and some were murdered so their story wouldn't get out. Everyday the Newseum displays the front pages of newspapers from around the world. Today all of the 72 displays were black in their memory. Consider what we would miss #withoutnews and share why news is important to you. newseum.org/withoutnews

When Police Attack

After police received a call in Texas about some teenage kids allegedly using a pool without permission police arrive on the scene. The shocking video shows one white officer using aggressive force on the kids forcing them to the ground and even pulling his gun on the kids. The video shows him throwing one 14 year old black girl to the ground numerous times slamming her head into the grass with excessive force and jamming his knees into her back. You can hear the little girl call out "I want my mamma" "I want my mamma, oh God". That officer is suspended until further notice.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Human Trafficking In Wisconsin

In Wisconsin 2 girls a 17-year old and a 14-year old were rescued in a police raid at a Fox Valley Motel in April. The girls were victims of human trafficking and sold to men for sex. The 14 year old was sold to 18 different men before her rescue. Wisconsin has seen more than 200 of these cases over 72 counties, in which 1 / 6 of the victims were minors.

Prison Break In New York

Two men convicted of murder escaped from a New York Prison over the weekend using power tools to drill holes through walls and using sweat shirts packed together under their covers to look like dummies fooling prison guards. They are still at large.

Childrens Books About The Transgendered

Sam Martin grew up as a female and transitioned herself to male. He says he felt all alone in how he felt as a youngster. Now at the age of 43 he is writing books for children and teenagers about lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people. He is not the only author writing children's books centered on transgender characters. He says he is writing these books to help kids not feel all alone in their feelings. These books are actually showing up in your local book stores.

Like this one one of the first books and true story of what it's takes and what it's like to be transgender as a kid.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Chinese Hackers

Chinese hackers hacked into The U.S. Office Of Personnel Management Network stealing about 4 million current and former employees personal information and security clearances. They have also hacked many health care facilities including Anthem, the mega health insurance company. They are building quite the data base for future plans of espionage.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Rahim's Aunt Says Her Nephew Was Not A Terrorist

26 year old Usaama Rahim was shot dead by the police in a Boston parking lot on Tuesday as he approached police officers waving around a knife. Investigators say he was radicalized by ISIS and planned to attack police officers. They even have recorded phone calls of Rahim talking about how he was going to behead them, and he liked ISIS on his FB page. Today his aunt spoke out saying that her nephew was not a terrorist even though the evidence proves he probably was.

Does Mosby Have Something To Hide?

The attorney for the six officers involved in Freddie Gray's murder is upset with Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby for seeking a protective order that blocks the autopsy report for Gray. She says she "doesn't want to litigate this case through the media". But the attorneys for the officers says she has something to hide.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

ISIS Blows Up Prison Holding Political Prisoners

ISIS advances across Syria blowing up a prison holding political prisoners in Tadmur. ISIS took over the Syrian desert City of Palmyra days ago with strategies that won against U.S. airstrikes, & Shiite-backed governments in Iraq & Syria. This political and social movement in the Islamic state has positioned itself as the leader of Sunni Muslims, and continues to brutally harm any other opposing Sunni groups.

Animal Cruelty

William Leonard Dodson was arrested on Monday for charges of animal cruelty. Dodson Taped his dog Caitlyn's mouth shut so tight with electrical tape it made Caitlyn's tongue turn black. Dodson actually laughed at the situation. His bail is set at $50,000.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

458 People Missing After Ship Sank In The Yangtza River

A cruise ship in China sank leaving 458 people missing or dead in the waters along the Central Yangtze River. The chartered cruise ship had passengers that were in their 50's to 80's. 13 people were rescued as screams from the waters rang out like the scene from the Titantic.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Caitlyn Formally Known As Bruce Jenner

Caitlyn, formally known as Bruce Jenner from the show on E, The Kardashian Show started transitioning from male to female in the 80's. He kept it a secret until recently when he and interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC. It looks like he has completed his transformation breaking the internet with this photo.

Record Breaking Homicides In Baltimore

208 people were killed in Baltimore, Maryland last year, 189 of them were black. Stray bullets have killed innocent bystanders including 3 year old Mckenzie Elliot in August of last year. When 3 men were killed on Sunday in Baltimore, the city recorded 43 killings in may making may the deadliest month in 40 years in Baltimore.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Deadly Mice

Many biolabs are being sanctioned for nationwide safety accidents, bacteria in labs have been stolen &/or missing. Mice used for testing have escaped and they are infected with a deadly virus. There are about 200 biolobs in America.