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vh News Room

Sunday, December 27, 2015

55 Year Old Woman Accidentally Shot To Death By Officer

55 year old Bettie Jones was accidentally shot to death by a police officer Saturday morning in Chicago. 19 year old Quintonio LeGrier got into an argument with his father, he threatened his father with a baseball bat. His father called the police then called Bettie, his neighbor downstairs to open the door when the police arrived. When the door was opened for the police LeGrier charged down the stairs with the bat, that's when the officer opened fire killing both Bettie and LeGrier. LeGrier's parents said Quintonio suffered from mental illness. The officer is being placed on administrative duties during further investigations.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Breaking News: The Ongoing War In Afghanistan

Breaking News: Today six members of NATO stationed in Bagran, Afghanistan have been killed by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle. No names have been released yet but there sure some out of the 6 were U.S. troops. Bagran is very close to the U.S. base in Afghanistan where U.S. troops continue to train and give advice to Afghan security forces. So yes there is still a war going on in Afghanistan. The Taliban is claiming responsibility for this attack via Twitter. In 2010 there were 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan but many deaths over the years has brought that number down now to just under 10,000. Those U.S. troops are expected to be in Afghanistan until some time next year.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kid Dies Being A Hero

During a shooting in Tennessee Zaevion Dobson a football player at Fulton High School jumped on 3 girls shielding them from the gunfire. The 3 girls were not shot and are not injured. Zaevion was killed on the scene. Two suspects were arrested and one suspect died of a gun shot.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Republican Debate

Cruz and Rubio argued on topics of immigration, and the use of U.S. intelligence surveillance. Trump gave us his word that he would not run as an independent (splitting votes in the republican party and giving the democrats a sure win) and continue to run as a republican candidate. He also said we should shut down the internet to fight terrorism. Does Trump really need to win a presidential debate to be heard, he's loud enough in the media already via, paper, t.v., and the internet. Bush's defining moment is when he interrupted Trump and said "your not going to be able to insult yourself to the Presidency", which rattled Trump a bit and forced him to take a stab at Bush's single-digit poll numbers.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Rapist Police Officer Found Guilty

Police officer Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma City raped women and forced them to perform oral surgery for 6 months while on duty. He intimidated them using his badge, most of the women lived in poor neighborhoods and were prostitutes, on drugs, and or criminals. He counted on them not telling because of their background thinking no one would believe them. He even promised some women he would get rid of their charges. On Thursday 29 year old Holtzclaw cried for 6 minutes as the judge read the verdicts. He was found guilty of 18 of the 36 charges and will live out the rest of his life behind bars.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Attempted Beheading In London

A man on a Tube (Subway) in London attacked a man from behind punching and stomping him to the ground before grabbing his head and sawing at his neck with a knife. A video shows a two minute standoff with the police and when the police finally subdue the man the man says aloud "this is for Syria my Muslim brothers".

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mass Shooting In San Bernardino Was An Act Of Terrorism

The FBI is investigating the mass shooting that left 14 dead and 21 injured in San Bernardino as an act of terrorism. Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik acted as lone wolf's in support for ISIS. During the shooting Tashfeen even pledged her allegiance for ISIS on her face book page.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Obama Warns Vladimir Putin

Today President Obama warned Vladimir Putin of the dangers he would face getting involved in Syria's civil war. He reminded him that Russia has been in Syria for over a month and during that time Russia has lost two jets and a significant amount of Russian personnel. Obama states to Putin that your not getting the outcome your looking for and suggests a political resolution.

Monday, November 30, 2015

15 Year Old Files Lawsuit Against Obama Administration

Today roughly 150 world leaders attended the Climate Change Summit, but the real news is about 15 year old climate activist Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh Martinez who filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration for failing to protect the climate. Martinez is worried about the lack of action on this issue as it relates to generations to come.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

White Police Officer Kills Black Teenager, Protesters March

In October 2014 Jason Van Dyke a white police officer shot and killed 17 year old Laquan McDonald, a black teenager in Chicago. An investigation has been going on for over a year now without the release of the police dash cam video until Monday when a Chicago judge ordered the release of the video. The graphic video shows McDonald walking down the street when Van Dyke pulls up in his police car, gets out of the car with his gun drawn then shoots down McDonald. McDonald was shot 16 times. Protesters took to the streets of Chicago and marched without incident.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Will We Stop Or Continue & How Many?

Since 2011 1,500 Syrian refugees have been let into the U.S. In September the Obama administration announced that they would allow 10,000 refugees in next year. Obama has stated that he wants to continue to allow refugees in the U.S. but is he still focused on 10,000 for next year? Governors in 31 states have announced that they will do everything possible to close their state borders and reject Syrian refugees, but that decision is ultimately up to the federal government.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Republicans Turn To Congress To Block Migrants From Entering The U.S.

After the terrorist attacks in Paris Republicans have turned to congress and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to stop Obama from allowing Syrian refugees onto American soil. As the number of migrants continue to increase and the fact that these terrorist attacks are the biggest Europe has seen in 10 years, the migrant situation as it refers to terrorism will now be the main focus of the 2016 Presidential race.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Terrorist Attacks In Paris

The first bomb in Paris went off at a soccer game between France and Germany. Then a gunman open fired at a restaurant where 14 people were killed. There was more shooting at a pizza restaurant where 4 more people were killed. Then a second bomb went off at the stadium. There was another shooting at a bar were 19 people died, an explosion near Bataclan Concert Hall where a rock band was playing. Then gun shots rang out inside the Concert Hall as the gunmen screamed out Allalu Akbar which is Arabic for God is love. The concert hall was then held under siege for hours by attackers with bombs strapped to their bodies, they had at least 100 hostages and dozens were killed. One more bomb went off outside the stadium by a suicide bomber. Isis is claiming responsibility for these attacks. Authorities say that at least one bomber entered Europe posing as a refugee. At least 129 people are dead.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Missing Boy Found After 13 Years

18 year old Julian Hernandez was filling out his college applications in Ohio when he found out that he was listed as a missing person from Alabama. In 2002 Julian was just 5 years old when he vanished from his mother. His biological father Bobby Hernandez allegedly abducted him from his mother. The authorities are not sure what to charge Bobby with since federal kidnapping laws across state lines don't include a parent unless there is a court order that says their parental right has been terminated. Bobby is being held on a $250,000 bond.

Monday, November 9, 2015

2 Officers Charged For Murdering 6 Year Old Boy

In Louisiana two officers Norris Green & Derrick Stafford will face charges of second degree murder of 6 year old Jeremy Mardis. Last week Jeremy was riding buckled in the passenger seat with his father Chris Few when the two officers chased Few in his car and open fired shooting Jeremy several times in the body and head. Few was also hit but he is in stable condition. Investigators still don't know why the officers pursued Few or why they open fired. No gun was found in Few's car.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Canon City High School Sexting Scandal

100's of students at Canon City High School in Colorado may face felony child pornography charges in a sexting scandal. The students that could face these charges are those that have taken nude photos of themselves, and shared it, shared another students nude photos, or archived any nude photos, and if there are any photos found on their parents devices the parents could also face charges. The sexting scandal has even trickled down to kids in middle school.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Judge Shot Outside Of Her Home

Friday night in Austin, Texas Judge Julie Kocurek was shot outside near her house. She was taken to the hospital when the police arrived in 5 minutes after a 911 call. She is in stable condition and the police don't have a suspect or a motive.

Friday, November 6, 2015

9 Year Old Boy Targeted In A Gang Related Shooting

On Monday in Chicago gang members lured a 9 year old boy Tyshawn Lee into an alley and shot him several times in the back and in the head. Tyshawn's father Pierre Stokes is a member of a rival gang and his son was killed to "send a message" to Pierre. Pierre is not cooperating with the police and as of yet no arrests have been made.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Clinton's Speech Interrupted By Black Lives Matter

On Friday at an historically black college in Atlanta the #blacklivesmatter movement interrupted Hilary Clinton's speech chanting "black lives matter". The movement says they have been waiting for weeks for the Clinton administration to address issues in the African American community. They want to force Clinton to directly address the fact that black people have been mistreated, harassed, beaten, and murdered by the police on a daily basis. The protesters were escorted out of the building. After their speech Clinton called it an adventure as she walked off stage with LaDavia Drane, her director of African American outreach. Clinton did not meet with the protesters after the speech.

Friday, October 30, 2015

1 Child Policy Lifted In China

For the last 35 years China has had a 1 child policy in order to control the population growth. The policy was enforced by heavy fines and forced abortions. Now the country is facing a rapidly aging population and a shrinking work force. It is projected that in 15 years 400 million people in China will be elderly. As of Thursday China has lifted the policy allowing women to have two children.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tonight's Republican Debate

Expect Donald Trump to take off the gloves tonight and attack Ben Carson during the Republican Debate after month's of playing nice and respecting Ben. Trump may attack Ben's religion and his personal life to try and take back the lead in National Polls and in Iowa. Ben Carson will be his usual mild mannered self, he says "he has no interest in becoming an attack dog".

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Excessive Force Used By Officer To Arrest Student

At Spring Valley High School in South Carolina a video captures a police officer taking down a female student sitting at her desk by grabbing her around her neck, slamming her backwards onto the ground, yanking her from her desk then throwing her across the floor before arresting her. Officer Ben fields is on administrative leave while the FBI investigates if any civil rights or federal laws were violated.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fishermen Rescue Refugees From Sea

A video shows a 18 month old baby being rescued from the freezing sea by fishermen off the coast of Turkey. The fishermen also rescued 15 other refugees including the baby's mother floating in the waters wearing life jackets. There were 30 refugees on a small boat fleeing Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq headed towards Greece when the boat capsized.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

2015 World Series

The 2015 World Series is set. The New York Mets will Face the Kansas City Royals. The first game will be Tuesday night. Who do you think will win the series?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Arsonist Setting Churches On Fire

Local authorities are offering a reward and sending out special patrols around churches in St. Louis as they continue to look for the arsonist or arsonists that are setting churches on fire near the city of Ferguson. A seventh church in two weeks was set on fire Thursday. The police still don't have a motive but St. Louis Metropolitan Police Chief Sam Dotson said "whoever this person is, they've picked a fight they can't win."

Friday, October 23, 2015

Secret Service Caught Sleeping On The Job

After 2 Secret Service agents were caught napping on the job, 1 in the White House, Homeland Security has issued a notice of disciplinary action to be taken if you are caught sleeping on the job. Secret Service agents are complaining of being overworked, working 12 hour days for 13 days straight then only one day off. In addition to these shifts some agents must perform mandatory overtime of around 30 hours per week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Officer Dies In The Line Of Duty

Officer Randolph Holder a New York City Police officer was shot in the head on Tuesday after responding to a robbery. Randolph was with his partner patrolling a housing community in east Harlem. They were in plainclothes when they got the call that a gunman robbed someone of their bike at gunpoint. They saw the suspect riding the bike, got into a shootout with the suspect, Randolph was shot in the head and died later on in the hospital.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Planned Parenthood

In David Daleiden's documentary about planned parenthood he inserts and attaches graphic pictures to stories that do not match for more of a wow factor. He has been attacked by the media for misleading the public. David admits to doing so but adds it doesn't matter because his documentary also shows video of bargaining and negotiating prices for body parts and fetal tissue. It is illegal for Planned Parenthood clinics to sell fetal tissue for profits, but they can accept payouts for reimbursements of services. The state of Texas has cut Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood.

Monday, October 19, 2015

6 Year Old Boy Accidentally Kills, Father Charged

In Chicago a 6 year old boy accidentally shot and killed his 3 year old brother. Michael Santiago, 25, was at work and their mom was at the store, the kids were being watched by their grandfather at Michael's house. The grandfather asked the 6 year old to grab him something from the kitchen, that's when he found the gun on top of the refrigerator wrapped in pajama pants. Michael Santiago was locked up and faces felony child endangerment charges.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cody Lee Jackson

20 year old Cody Lee Jackson was arrested, placed on probation, and had to wear a GPS tracking device on his ankle for charges including rape, unlawful sexual conduct, and kidnapping. While he was on probation from January 22nd-July 31st he caught another charge when he raped, impregnated, and held a minor captive for months. Jackson took a plea deal on July 31st and was taken off of probation. One month later Jackson skipped his sentencing hearing and went on the run. Jackson was caught and arrested on October 8th at a Utah bus station, he is facing 10 years to life in prison.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

81 Arrested For Child Pornography

Spain's national police arrested 81 people for child pornography across the country. They seized video cameras, photos, and cameras. An investigation is in process to see if any of the suspects produced the "extremely harsh" videos, or abused the children. Among the suspects are 79 men and 2 boys.

Friday, October 16, 2015

$1B Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against L.A. School System

A $1 billion dollar class-action lawsuit has been filed against the L.A. school system. The main plaintiff is a very popular teacher, 61 year old Rafe Esquith. Esquith's suit is accusing the school system of investigating teachers nearing retirement "fishing" for or making up evidence of misconduct that leads to their firing and prevents them from receiving retirement benefits, pensions, and healthcare. Over 2,000 more teachers have joined in on this suit.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

No Annual Raise In Social Security Benefits For 2016

Due to lower gas prices the rate of inflation has decreased, now there will be no annual raise for 65 million people on Social Security. Every year since 2010 there has been an annual raise in Social Security benefits due to the rate of inflation and the cost of living growing. The 30% drop in gas prices made the cost of living much lower but not necessarily for senior citizens. Most senior citizens don't do much driving, but their cost of living continues to rise with the price of food, and medical costs. Senior citizens spend a great percentage of their money on health care.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Front Runner Hilary Clinton's Democratic Debate

Hilary Clinton showed that she was fit and ready to take on the GOP in the general election with last night's democratic debate. When questioned about the changing of her mind on issues such as same sex marriage and The Pacific Rim Trade she defended herself well by saying "I'm a progressive. But I'm a progressive who likes to get things done." Clinton also stood strong when she was attacked with questions about her favorable vote for the war in Iraq, backing up her political experience by basically saying, Obama made me secretary of state. Clinton was poised, smart, and displayed an emotion that many U.S. citizens can relate to, humor.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The U.S. v.s. Russia In Syria

The U.S. continues to aid Syrian rebels giving them 50 tons of ammunition to fight and bring down President Bashar al-Assad. At the same time Russia is aiding their ally Assad launching more airstrikes on Syrian rebels. This civil war is starting to look like a war between the U.S. and Russia.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Russian Forces In Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview that the aim of Russian forces in Syria is to help stabilize Bashar al-Assad's government. He wants to neutralize rebel groups that threaten Assad and that does not include ISIS.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Officers take fire from a,....Crossbow?

Two officers were serving an arrest warrant for a man in Cato Township, Michigan when the man pulled out a crossbow and shot one of the officers. The officer then shot back with his gun killing the man. The officer is recovering in the hospital, he will be o.k.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

6,000 Inmates To Be Released From Prison

The increase in murders of around 30% - 50% nationwide and overcrowding in prisons due to mass incarcerations and harsh sentences for low level non-violent drug offenses, triggered the federal Bureau of Prisons to release around 6,000 inmates later this month. Last year the U.S. sentencing commission lowered maximum sentences for drug offenders. 1/3 of the 6,000 to be released are illegal immigrants and will be deported.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Butt Dialing 911

Research shows that on average 911 is accidentally "butt dialed" 40% of the time in San Francisco. Mobile phones are required to be able to dial 911 without unlocking the screen, and with so many people walking around with their phone in their back pocket, front pocket, or even in a purse, 911 can easily be accidentally dialed. This is a huge pain for dispatchers because they must stay on the line listening to silence or background noise without knowing if it is a credible emergency. On top of that if the call is disconnected they must take additional time to call the person back, it's time being taken away that could have been used for real emergencies.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Donald Trump On Gun Laws

Today on ABC's This Week Donald Trump said that mental illness is the reason for mass killings and that the answer to mass killings isn't stricter gun laws but the answer could be more guns. Stating that if they had more guns in the classroom less people would have died. He also said that in cities with tougher gun laws, violence isn't necessarily lower.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin

Hurricane Joaquin didn't hit the U.S. mainland, but heavy rainfall from a separate storm devastated South Carolina. Charleston was in a state of emergency, the high tides were close to 8 feet, the roads were impassable, and the waters terrorized the state destroying homes. In the Bahamas category 3 Hurricane Joaquin reached winds up to 125 mph, the Bahamas suffered days of a down pour of rain and heavy winds that completely destroyed homes. The 735 foot ship El Faro was lost at sea, there were 33 people aboard. Two people died in the U.S. due to the storm.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Mass Shooting At College

26 year old Chris Harper Mercer walked into a community college in Oregon on Thursday, armed with multiple guns he opened fire in one classroom killing 9 people and injuring 7. One witness says that he asked students their religion before killing them. Mercer's social media profiles show that he was fascinated by many mass shootings and hated organized religion. After the shootings Mercer died in a police shootout.

Russian Airstrikes

Since September 30th Russia has launched 18 airstrikes in Syria, and say that the bombings are intended for Isis. U.S. and international officials say they are actually targeting Syrian rebels and opposition supported by the CIA. The concern is that these attacks will escalate more attacks by Isis and will cause more extremism. Syrian civilians are very concerned as many have did or become severely injured because of these airstrikes.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Capital Punishment In Georgia

In 1997 Kelly Gissendaner hired her lover to kill her husband in Georgia. Their daughter Kayla was only 7 years old. As Kelly sat on death row 5 years went pass without a visit from her daughter. At the age of 12 Kayla finally gained the courage to see her mom in prison seeking answers. At the age of 18 Kayla found it in her heart to forgive her mom and fight for her not to be executed by lethal injection, stating that "my dad would not want my mom to be executed, even knowing her role in his murder". Kelly's death is scheduled for Tuesday.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ted Cruz Opposes The Iran Deal

Ted Cruz wants to "rip to shreds this Iranian nuclear deal" the first chance he gets if he becomes president. Cruz stated that "a vote for Hilary is a vote for Iran", he also reminded the nation of chants from the Iranian ayatollah "death to America". Cruz wants to stop Iran from ever acquiring nuclear weapons even if it means killing the ayatollah.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Isis Bombs A Mosque In Yemen Killing 26

Isis has taken credit on twitter for a bombing in Yemen at the Bilaili mosque in Sanaa that killed 26 people and injured dozens during prayers. It is the sixth mosque attack in 3 months. Isis says that this is "part of a series of military operations to revenge Muslims against Houthis" Houthi rebels now fight Isis claiming their government has no power.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Russia's Military Invades Syria

Russia has invaded Syria, bringing a fight straight to Isis & rebels alike. Russians military has engaged with a heavy artillery of weapons including aircrafts, tanks, and missile systems. Syrian rebels & Isis now fights Isis and Russians on Israel's front lines. An airport base in Syria that has become Russia's military base is the main target for rebels & Isis in Syria.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pope Francis Could Impact Our Presidential Election

Pope Francis will be in Washington D.C. for the first time this week, making politicians either extremely excited or extremely nervous. Pope Francis will meet with President Obama, address congress, and speak publicly to our nation while he's here. He will talk on issues of climate change, income inequality, religious freedom, immigration, abortion, and gay marriage. With a 90% approval rating in the U.S. catholic or not, when the Pope speaks people will listen.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The 2016 Republican Debate Tonight

Ten republican presidential candidates will debate tonight for leadership of the GOP. In a survey six out of ten republicans have said they would like a non-politician to be the next president of the U.S. As of now non-politicians Ben Carson and Donald Trump are leading in the polls. Although Jeb Bush has fallen in the polls, his money will keep him alive. Cruz will stay alive because of his money despite being at a stand still, and Scott Walker is just falling.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Professor Killed Himself After Allegedly Killing Two

Shannon Lamb; a professor at Delta State University killed himself after allegedly killing two people. Amy Prentiss whom Lamb lived with was found shot to death at her home. Ethan Schmidt; also a professor at Delta State was found shot in the head at the campus, in his office. Lamb went on the run and told the police he wasn't going to jail. Monday night Lamb was seen fleeing from his car into the woods where one shot rang out, soon after the police found Lamb's body.