vh News Room

vh News Room

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Capital Punishment In Georgia

In 1997 Kelly Gissendaner hired her lover to kill her husband in Georgia. Their daughter Kayla was only 7 years old. As Kelly sat on death row 5 years went pass without a visit from her daughter. At the age of 12 Kayla finally gained the courage to see her mom in prison seeking answers. At the age of 18 Kayla found it in her heart to forgive her mom and fight for her not to be executed by lethal injection, stating that "my dad would not want my mom to be executed, even knowing her role in his murder". Kelly's death is scheduled for Tuesday.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ted Cruz Opposes The Iran Deal

Ted Cruz wants to "rip to shreds this Iranian nuclear deal" the first chance he gets if he becomes president. Cruz stated that "a vote for Hilary is a vote for Iran", he also reminded the nation of chants from the Iranian ayatollah "death to America". Cruz wants to stop Iran from ever acquiring nuclear weapons even if it means killing the ayatollah.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Isis Bombs A Mosque In Yemen Killing 26

Isis has taken credit on twitter for a bombing in Yemen at the Bilaili mosque in Sanaa that killed 26 people and injured dozens during prayers. It is the sixth mosque attack in 3 months. Isis says that this is "part of a series of military operations to revenge Muslims against Houthis" Houthi rebels now fight Isis claiming their government has no power.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Russia's Military Invades Syria

Russia has invaded Syria, bringing a fight straight to Isis & rebels alike. Russians military has engaged with a heavy artillery of weapons including aircrafts, tanks, and missile systems. Syrian rebels & Isis now fights Isis and Russians on Israel's front lines. An airport base in Syria that has become Russia's military base is the main target for rebels & Isis in Syria.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pope Francis Could Impact Our Presidential Election

Pope Francis will be in Washington D.C. for the first time this week, making politicians either extremely excited or extremely nervous. Pope Francis will meet with President Obama, address congress, and speak publicly to our nation while he's here. He will talk on issues of climate change, income inequality, religious freedom, immigration, abortion, and gay marriage. With a 90% approval rating in the U.S. catholic or not, when the Pope speaks people will listen.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The 2016 Republican Debate Tonight

Ten republican presidential candidates will debate tonight for leadership of the GOP. In a survey six out of ten republicans have said they would like a non-politician to be the next president of the U.S. As of now non-politicians Ben Carson and Donald Trump are leading in the polls. Although Jeb Bush has fallen in the polls, his money will keep him alive. Cruz will stay alive because of his money despite being at a stand still, and Scott Walker is just falling.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Professor Killed Himself After Allegedly Killing Two

Shannon Lamb; a professor at Delta State University killed himself after allegedly killing two people. Amy Prentiss whom Lamb lived with was found shot to death at her home. Ethan Schmidt; also a professor at Delta State was found shot in the head at the campus, in his office. Lamb went on the run and told the police he wasn't going to jail. Monday night Lamb was seen fleeing from his car into the woods where one shot rang out, soon after the police found Lamb's body.

Monday, September 14, 2015

California Wildfires

Massive wildfires 100 miles of Sacramento forced thousands of people to flee for their lives. Residents evacuated leaving their homes and everything behind as the unpredictable flames burned over 50,000 acres. The wildfires destroyed about 500 homes, killed one person, and 4 out of 1,500 firefighters suffered 2nd degree burns. Thousands of evacuees pitched tents to sleep in a park, and others slept in their cars.

Friday, September 11, 2015

World Wide News: The Iran Deal Has Been Made

World Wide News: The Iran Deal has been made, and this is basically what President Obama said at a press conference. The Iran deal will stop Iran from being able to make nuclear bombs. Under the deal Iran would not be able to produce highly enriched uranium which is needed to make a nuclear bomb. "They won't be able to produce weapons grade plutonium that forms the raw materials necessary to make nuclear weapons". They have to remove centrifuges needed to make a nuclear bomb. Iran already had enough highly enriched uranium to make 10 nuclear weapons, they now have to get rid 98% of that. Inspectors will have 24-7 access into Iran's nuclear facilities to verify they follow these rules.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Syrian Refugees Seeking Asylum

The United States has taken in 0.03% of Syrian refugees out of 4 million over the past 4 years. Donald Trump who supports immigration reform wants to bring in far more refugees due to the "unbelievable humanitarian problem". The process to ensuring that terrorists and extremists do not sneak in on to U.S. soil takes about 18 months. Rushing the process could be devastating.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Baby Left In Car Dies Of Heat Stroke

Eleven month old Jackson Taylor was left in a car by his grandparents and aunt for over 2 hours in Georgia and died of a heat stroke. The grandparents, aunt, Jackson, and another grandchild drove to church and because of miscommunication Jackson was left in the car during the entire service. It was a 90 degree day but inside a car with the windows up temperatures could reach up to 170 degrees. When the family returned home Jackson was left in the car again. The mother left baby sitting duties to her parents while she got some sleep. After working a night shift as a nurse she woke up when her parents came home, looking for her child, she found him dead in the car. There is an ongoing investigation in this matter.

Man Arrested After Open Firing On Two Police Officers

A man in Las Vegas open fired on two police officials while stopped at a traffic light in their marked police car. The police officers restrained the man without firing a single shot. One officer was shot in the hand but will be o.k.

Brothers Arrested For Trying To Kill Their Parents

Two brothers 17 & 22 in Atlanta were arrested over the weekend for trying to kill their parents. When Christopher and Cameron Ervin attacked their parents in their home their father Zachary Ervin distracted them long enough to give their mom Yvonne time to call the police. When the police arrived the boys were promptly arrested, officials say the boys also planned to burn the house down when they let natural gas into the house. Both parents suffered blunt force trauma and the father suffered stab wounds, they are both expected to survive.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Violent Pillow Fight

30 Freshman cadets at the U.S. Military Academy were injured and 24 suffered concussions during their annual pillow fight. To celebrate their graduation they packed pillow cases with hard objects and swung them at each other in an all out brawl. Some cadets wore helmets and body armor and some did not.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Europe's Migrant Crisis

Europe continues to struggle with the influx of illegal border crossings. Hungarian lawmakers are stopping 100s of asylum seeking migrants from entering their continent. Fearful that Europeans could become the minority with the in-pouring of Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq. The refugees do not want to be placed into camps for processing because they think from there they will be deported.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Clerk Sent To Jail For Refusal Of Gay Marriage Licenses

In Kentucky Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was sent to jail for refusing gay marriage licenses. Four gay couples sued Kim for denying them licenses, Kim said that it would violate her christian beliefs. District court Judge David L. Bunning held her in contempt even though the lawyers of the four gay couples did not seek jail time for her. There was support for Kim and the 4 gay couples in the form of protesters and politicians, making the national news and has people picking sides.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hands Up Shot To Death

In Bexar County, Texas a video shows Gilbert Flores being shot to death by the police after putting his hands up. Authorities say that the video doesn't show him resisting arrest with a knife before filming began. They also say that in the video you can't see his other hand and what he may have in it. Watch the video here and you be the judge.