vh News Room

vh News Room

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Is He A Spy Or A Journalist?

Jason Rezaian, a journalist for The Washington Post went on trial today in Iran for what the United States is calling "ubsurd" charges of spying. Journalists are often apprehended by foreign countries for suspicion of espionage, it's a very dangerous job that sometimes can result in their imprisonment and / or death.

Breaking News | Storm in Texas

Breaking News; a massive storm tears through Houston, Texas flooding freeways, houses and submerging cars. Many people are missing and at least 22 people have died. At least 1,000 cars and 1,000 homes have been affected. There was a Houston Rockets game last night and after the game was over many people had to spend the night in the stadium due to the floods.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Bandidos

The threats continue and become more severe as the Bandidos and Black Widows seek revenge on Waco Texas Police Officials and their families in retaliation for the killings of their biker brothers. They are said to have been supplied with grenades, plastic bombs, and guns by former military now turned biker gang members.

Baltimore Officers Reduces To Charges Of Reckless Endangerment

The 6 officers involved in the death investigation of Freddie Gray had their charges reduced to reckless endangerment. In recent news it has been reported that the knife Gray was holding was illegal and the offers claim to be in fear of their life.

Mansion Killer

Mansion murders suspect Daron Dylon Wint was captured late on thursday night after being on the run for a quadruple murder. He killed a 46 year old CEO of a multi-million dollar company, his wife, his ten year old son and their housekeeper in their mansion.

ISIS Moves Closer To Baghdad

As Iraq puts a strategy together to retake Ramadi they get help from Shiite Militia. ISIS is moving closer to Baghdad taking over half of Syria. Can Iraq defend their Capital? Obama says we are not losing this war; there are talks of the U.S. assisting with airstrikes, but do we need to get pulled into another war?

Hilary Clinton's Emails

The state department is set to release some of Hilary Clinton's emails linked to issues in Libya and the Benghazi terrorists attacks. The emails were sent and received over Hilary's personal accounts while she was Secretary Of State. There are claims that she was trying to hide what was really happening with these situations. She did official State Department business over a public server which gave her full control over these issues

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bad Doctor

Dr. Howard Schmider is under investigation for medical malpractice and civil fraud. The Dr. with 45 years of practice has been reported of doing unwanted and unnecessary procedures to children; taking out more teeth than needed in order to get more money from medicaid. Dr. Schmider has made upwards of $4 million dollars performing these fraudulent procedures.

Killer Airbags

After a man is injured from a airbag explosion which sent pieces of shrapnel (fragments of a bomb or other object thrown out by an explosion) shooting out into his face almost killing him; the Japanese company Takata issues the largest auto recall ever. Takata's airbags are reported to have killed 6 people and injured over a dozen. They have been issued $5 million in fines and the recall will affect 11 different manufacturers and 34 million cars. To check and see if your car has these defective airbags go to safercar.gov/rs/takata but be sure to periodically keep checking back as updates will be made frequently.

The U.S. Helps Iraq

The United States will help train Iraqi soldiers in the fight against ISIS but will not put troops on the ground as ISIS moves east towards Baghdad.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Biker Gang Shootout Leaves 9 Dead

A biker gang shootout in Texas leaves 9 dead and 20 injured. 5 biker gangs in Texas have an all out brawl over parking at a restaurant in broad day light. By the time the police got involved the brawl had escalated into a shootout, with the police exchanging fire as well. The police detained 150 gang members and recovered over 100 guns. The police are now receiving credible threats that more gang members outside the state are coming to join the resistance against local police officials.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Death Penalty For Tsamaev

Dzhokhar Tsamaev was sentenced to death on Friday for his role in the Boston Marathon bombing.

Friday, May 15, 2015

ISIS Takes Control Of Police Headquarters | Breaking News

Breaking News. ISIS launched an offensive last night taking control of Iraq's main police headquarters. The attack in Ramadi started with 6 suicide car bombs followed by a shoot out. ISIS managed to breach the walls of the government building taking around 50 security personnel as hostages. These Islamic state militants have taken control of the main police barracks raising their black flag. They now have full control over the city of Ramadi.

Amtrak Train Was Traveling Over Speed Limit

The Amtrak train that crashed in Philadelphia was going twice the speed limit entering into a big curve. The engineer will speak to investigators but says he doesn't remember anything before the crash due to a head injury. Engineers work very long hours and the job is in very high demand.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

China Builds Military Islands

China builds artificial islands for their military use on international waters. This will give China easy access to the worlds largest shipping lanes. First by pouring concrete into the the water then stocking the large platforms with armed forces and airstrips. This has the potential for a real standoff as the U.S. considers implementing surveillance flights and Navy surveillance by ships.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

No Justice For Tony Robinson

People continue to march and protest in Wisconsin over the death of Tony Robinson Jr. who was black, unarmed, and killed by a white police officer; Matt Kenny. Kenny says Robinson attacked him; today he received no charges.

Missing Chopper In Nepal

A U.S. Chopper vanishes carrying 6 marines, 2 Nepal soldiers and relief supplies. Search and recovery has been going on all day. This comes after another major earthquake hits Nepal, this is the second major earthquake to hit Nepal in 3 weeks.

Deadly Amtrak Train Crash

A Amtrak train derailed last night in Philadelphia leaving 6 people dead, 8 in critical condition, and hundreds injured. Everyone is not accounted for as of yet as search and recovery efforts continue today. Investigations also continue today trying to figure out the cause of this terrible crash.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Obama And King Of Saudi, King Salmon

Why is the King of Saudi Arabia (King Salman) skipping the Obama summit? He says he tied up dealing with the rebels in Yemen. You mean the rebels against ISIS? Because were dealing with them too. This is a new phase of terrorist threat way bigger than Al Qaeda. The U.S. maybe should interject people traveling to Syria, we may need to discuss this ISIS trend on social media, ISIS is inspiring and directing attacks all around the world, it's so difficult to get a handle on it. We should definitely have a sit down, this will be a very involved meeting. You claim that we the U.S. have a lack of involvement to fight ISIS via social media, hey I'm involving my self now, lets talk.

Justice For Tamir Rice?

Tamir Rice of Cleveland Ohio was only 12 years old when he was shot and killed by a white police officer Timothy Loehmann (he was with his partner another white cop Frank Gamback). In December a 911 call was made reporting a man has a gun at the playground. When the officers arrived after about 2 seconds Timothy Loehmann fired 2 shots killing the boy. The gun was later reported to be a toy gun. 5 months later Tamir Rice's mother still seeks justice.

2 Police Officers Shot And Killed In Mississippi

Is it open season on police officers? In Mississippi 2 police officers were shot and killed during a routine traffic stop. One black officer Liquori Tate and one white officer Benjamin Deen. The suspects then stole the police vehicle and parked it on nearby railroad tracks. Curtis Banks is charged with accessory to murder, his brother Marvin Banks is charged with capital murder, and Joanie Calloway is charged with capital murder.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Donald Trump For President?

Donald Trump may join the race for President Of The U.S. again. Between him, Hilary, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and so many others; this should be a very interesting primary. Jeb Bush will probably have to find a way to distance himself from his brother George and make his own way. But how will he get out of the shadow of his brother? On the other side Hilary doesn't have too much pressure to push away from her husband and she's probably the most experienced candidate for the democratic party.

Million Moms March

#TheMovement / Protests and rally's continue in Baltimore, New York, and D.C. against police violence against black bodies. The #MillionMom'sMarch was held in D.C. yesterday with a list of demands including public review of all police involved deaths. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

North Korea Missile Test

North Korea's military program tests ballistic missiles of the eastern coast in violation of United Nations security council resolutions. North Korea puts a lot of money into their military program and the state department will monitor them very closely.

ISIS Prison Break

Terrorist threats are raised due to a prison break linked to ISIS outside of Baghdad.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Breaking News | Racial Profiling in New York?

4 black parole officers are filing lawsuits against N.Y. police officers for racial profiling. The parole officers were driving in a car with bullet proof vests on their way to issue an arrest warrant. A call was made to 911 about 4 people driving a car with bullet proof vests. The car was pulled over and held at gunpoint for 6 minutes, the 4 parole officers claim to be treated aggressively even after they announced who they were. One officer claims to being dragged out of the vehicle even though the video doesn't shot this. Another officer says "if we were white we wouldn't have gotten pulled over". By law assault actually can mean threatened with force.

Mayweather - Pacquiao

I know I'm a little late talking about the "big fight" but I still wanna weigh in on it. How do you guys feel about the fight? I know a lot of people are mad or disappointed in the fight because they wanted to see more action but that's a typical Mayweather fight. Long and boring, that's just how he fights, all of his fights are fought like that, calculated.

ISIS Claims To Have 71 Fighters In America

ISIS takes credit for the shooting in Texas, says they have at least 71 trained fighters in America ready to launch attacks at a moments notice. About 200 Americans went to Syria to join ISIS and they can come back anytime. 1,000's of Europeans have went to Syria to join ISIS and they can come to America without a visa. Twitter accounts and social media with ties to ISIS are under investigation to find out if this claim is accurate.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Nigerian Women & Children Rescued From Islamic Militants

Nigerian women and children were captured and held in captivity for months by Boko Haram Militants. The men of the families were captured and killed in front of their families. The women were forced to live under terrible conditions receiving one meal a day, forced to convert to Islam, forced into marriage and those who didn't comply were killed. The Nigerian Military rescued over 700 women and children from the Sambisa Forest where they were held captive but several women and children were stoned to death by the Islamic group during the rescue, and others died in a crossfire.

2 Gunmen Killed In Texas

2 gunmen armed with AK 47's open fire outside a Texas Museum hosting an Muhammad cartoon contest /  pro-speech rally. The two gunmen shoot one security guard in the ankle before they were both killed. The contest has a prize of $10,000 for the best carton drawing of Muhammad which can be found insulting to the Nation of Islam.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Should We Legalize Weed? | Questions

Should the U.S. spend $20 million on body cameras for every police officer in america? Would the cameras do any justice? Would a culprit be mindful of the fact that an officer has a camera on their body and restrain their actions? The camera would be facing suspects instead of police officers, so would this cause a problem? Would it protect police officers from the finger pointing? There are 50,000  non-violent drug arrests a year related to weed, should we just legalize weed?

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Death Of Freddie Gray Was Ruled A Homicide

The death of Freddie Gray was ruled a homicide. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of 6 police officers charged with 2nd degree murder, 2nd degree manslaughter, manslaughter, negligent homicide, and assault. Officers also failed to find probable cause to arrest Gray.